
How To Maintain Display Cooler In Simple Steps?

Update:10 Feb

How to maintain Display Cooler in simple steps?

1. Always perform annual maintenance

This requires arranging for a qualified technician to come and look at the walk-in every year. A professional can check vital elements such as the function of the compressor, fan motor and blades, wiring, and refrigerant and oil levels. Professionals can also handle testing thermometers and cleaning drain lines.

2. Keep the walk-in room at a constant temperature

Sounds obvious. But not everyone knows what seemingly insignificant things can throw off the balance of a walk-in cooler. For example, avoid putting heated foods in the refrigerator. The heat output causes the refrigeration coil to overwork. This can create excess moisture in the walk-in, causing frost and ice to form.

3. Make sure the door is fully closed

Another easy way to make a walk-in refrigerator weird is to leave the door ajar. This could be because the door is not closing properly, something is blocking it, or the employee is propping the door open out of convenience or fear of being trapped inside. Take steps to address these concerns, as the walk-in freezer door must remain closed as much as possible.

4. Maintain the integrity of the walk-in

That said, don't do anything that will impair the structure's ability to keep cold. For example, don't drill holes in the wall. The device's seal can be broken, allowing cold air to escape. Exposing the interior walls of a walk-in unit can also make it prone to the growth of bacteria and mold.

5. Clean with a damp cloth - skip harsh chemicals

Part of maintenance also includes cleaning. Just be sure not to use any overly aggressive cleaning products. Once a month, wipe down the interior and exterior surfaces of your walk-in with mild detergent and warm water.

6. Keep the condenser coil clean

The condenser coil also needs regular cleaning. They help keep the refrigeration running, so keeping them clean is necessary to run your walk-in refrigerator efficiently, both energy and finance. Make sure to clean the condenser coil twice a year, if not more.